Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ralph's 7/13 Trip

This trip was one of those for the scrapbook. Kids were behaving great. I was going to buy Ellie some "Pirate Scooty" so she was stoked. I finally broke down and did the two cart thing (push one, pull the other so one of the kids isn't sitting on my groceries) and it worked so much better. I was doing two transactions anyway (5 if you count WIC) so it really helped. Anyway, almost done when it all melted down. Cohen became hysterical, Ellie needed to tinkle, I dropped one of my coupons and had to go look for it. I never found it so I had to swap out that item. I feel so bad for my cashier but they were really nice. Anyway, I spent $26.72, and saved over $100. I got my raisin bran so now I can mail away for my $10.00 gas card. The whole top stair was WIC, and usually I don't include that but I did this time because the cereal has codes on the box that get me a free $5 gas card! I did it with last months checks and I'm doing it this month too. Hopefully, I'll still be able to find the specially marked boxes again next month! :)

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