Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hot Coupon at Food4Less

There is a blinkie machine by the band aids at Food4Less dispensing $3 off 2 Johnson & Johnson red cross products. The travel size first aid kits at Target and CVS are priced just under $1, so you can get 2 for FREE!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wish we had Food4Less stores here! We JUST said yesterday we need some first aid kits in our camping supply.

  3. They are so cute! And I really like the hand model! :-)

  4. Nellie, Food4Less is owned by Kroger, so you could check at Ralph's. They may have them. If not, I can mail you some.

    Melissa, thanks!

  5. Sometimes, I wonder where my brain is...
    They would be free with possible overage, which is also less than $.50, so I wasn't wrong per se...I just divided by 2 one too many times in my head.
